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Check Availability

You can check the availability of a room prior to entering a request into Facility Schedule. This will ensure that the space you are requesting is not already booked for an event. Anyone in the role of Administrator or Site Administrator has access to the Availability tab at the top of the screen when logged into the system. You can also check availability using the button on the schedule request form. All users, including requesters using the MyFacilityDude page and Organization Event Coordinators using Community Schedule have access to this.

How to Check Availability

  • Click on the Availability tab.
  • Click on the picture below Normal Schedule or Recurring Schedule.
  • Select the Location, Room(s), Event Date(s), and Start/End Time. When checking the availability for a recurring schedule, you will enter your date range and recurrence instead of each individual date.
  • Click on the Check Availability button.


On the Availability screen, you will be able to see if the space you need is already being used for another event. Click on the red or black X to view additional information.


  • If the room is already booked, you can check availability for a different room, date, or time by clicking the Change Search Criteria link on the upper right side of the screen.
  • If the room is available for your desired time, you can click the Create New Schedule link on the upper right side of the screen to enter your schedule request. The Location, Room(s), Date(s), and Times from your availability search will automatically transfer over to your schedule request form. You will need to reenter the date range and recurrence pattern for a recurring schedule.


       Bright Idea:

It is always a great idea to check availability prior to booking an event to avoid conflicts. Even though the system will check for conflicts, you do have the option to override it and double-book a room if two events can take place in the same space.